Field Days

Each school year, as part of the activities involving the VPA Student Houses, the school holds two field days: Athletic Field Day and Academic Field Day. Exact dates for each year can be found in the school events calendar. On these field days, students form small groups of mixed grade levels based on their Houses. These groups compete in activities throughout the day, and at the end of the day a winning House is announced and honored.

Athletic Field Day

On Athletic Field Day, students participate in mainly outdoor activities on the school, and at times at the neighboring Arcadia Park. Volleyball, soccer, flag football, kickball, capture-the-flag, tug-of-war, and other games have been played in the past. These are meant to be real athletic events, but open to all students regardless of experience levels.

Please note, a permission slip is required to participate in these activities: the school sends these out in the weeks ahead of the event. Athletic Field Day dress code is included with permission information. Veritas House Shirts are worn on this day. Please make sure you are signed up for the Falcon Flyer for specific information each year.

Academic Field Day

Unlike Athletic Field Day, Academic Field Day consists primarily of indoor activities and competitions. Games are themed based on subject areas, including a math game called BuzzFizzTrizzle, Science Pictionary, a “Literary Gauntlet” and more. House shirts are worn on this day. All other uniform guidelines still apply. Please make sure you are signed up for the Falcon Flyer for specific information each year.